The Accessibility Library
The Accessibility Library is a groundbreaking resource center dedicated to enhancing accessibility at festivals, performances, community gatherings, and cultural shows–at no cost to users, thanks to the support of its partners.
It offers an extensive range of assistive technology and support items that event organizers can borrow to ensure inclusivity and engagement for all attendees, and we are thrilled to be a catalyst for creating more inclusive events and experiences in Summit County. Access these resources today.
The partners in this project are Advancing Independence Network, Akron-Summit County Public Library, ArtsNow, Direction Home Akron Canton, and Summit DD.

Your Library is Sensory-Inclusive
The Akron-Summit County Public Library and KultureCity have joined forces to make a visit to the library a great experience for all of our customers, including those with sensory-processing needs.
Sensory Bags Available Here
Sensory Bags (with noise-cancelling headphones, fidgets, and other resources) are available at our Main Library Security and Children’s Library desks, and at all circulation desks in our Branch Libraries.
Weighted lap pads are also available at those locations. (Sensory Bags and weighted lap pads are for use during your visit at the Library. We’ll ask to hold your library card or other form of ID while you are using these resources.)
Quiet Zones, typically low-traffic areas of the Library, are designated on all floors of Main Library and at all branch libraries.
A Social Story for each of our Library locations is available through the KultureCity app.
Our trained staff is ready to make your experience at your sensory-inclusive Library a great one!
Your Library is Dementia-Inclusive
The Akron-Summit County Public Library is committed to inclusive access to Library resources and engaged participation by all Library customers. A diagnosis of memory loss impacts both the individual and their care partners, but Library use can and should continue. The Akron-Summit County Public Library is committed to providing Dementia-Inclusive resources to allow for continued participation in your Library, and resources for maintaining the skills and interests that make the abundant life possible beyond our Library walls.
Learn more about the Library’s Dementia-Inclusive services and resources.
Your Service Animal
The Akron-Summit County Public welcomes our customers who use service animals as determined by the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). A service animal (dog or miniature horse only) is an animal that has been individually trained to work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability. The work or task must be directly related to that person’s disability.
Animals that are considered pets, or comfort, therapy, or support animals, are not service animals as defined by the ADA and are not permitted on Library property at this time. (Exceptions will be made for animals in the building as part of Library educational and recreational programming, pending approval by the Director or his/her designee.)
Service Animals at the Library:
- Service Animals must be harnessed, leashed or tethered unless these devices interfere with a service animal’s work or the person’s disability prevents use of these devices. The animal may leave the owner’s side only to perform a designated task.
- A service animal that is not behaving properly at the Library will be required to leave Library property for a 24-hour period. Specific behaviors for which an animal will be required to leave include:
- The animal is barking (not as part of a designated task) or growling.
- The animal is displaying aggressive behavior toward other customers or service animals.
- The animal is displaying disruptive behavior such as running or jumping toward other people or animals or being destructive of Library property.
- The animal is not housebroken.
- The animal is not otherwise under the control of the customer.
In these circumstances, every reasonable effort will be made to serve customers whose service animals are temporarily restricted from entering Library property.
- Service Animals In-Training will be permitted in the Library as long as the trainer and animal demonstrate appropriate service animal behavior.
Customers with Service Animals or Service Animals In-Training will not be refused access to Library facilities because of staff or customer allergies or discomfort with, or fear of, dogs or miniature horses.
For more information about the Americans With Disabilities Act and service animals, please visit:
Additional Accessible Services
The Akron-Summit County Public library and its 18 branch locations provides a variety of accessible services for people with disabilities.
Accessibility Zone
In the Accessibility Zone@Main, you can apply for the NLS talking book program, check out Braille books, and use our Large Print Keyboards and Magnisight CCTV.
Homebound Assistance
Library Express Delivery Service (LEDS)
You may have difficulty in getting to the Library on a regular basis. Perhaps you are recuperating from an illness, are homebound, or caring for a family member who isn’t well and can’t get out. If you need us, we can offer you service by mail to you at your home.
Visit the LEDS page to learn more about this important service.
Vision Assistance
Large-print and Audiobooks
Large-print books and audiobooks can be reserved at our online library catalog or call the reference desk at any of our 18 branch locations to find out more. Audiobooks can also be downloaded from the Digital Media section of the library's website.
Web Content
Tools are available to improve the web-browsing experience for people with a visual impairment or vision loss. You can make objects bigger and easier to see by adjusting the text size and screen magnification in your browser’s Settings menu. These options are typically listed under Preferences or View. Most modern browsers also offer a screen reader that renders text and image content as speech.
Hearing Assistance
Sign language interpreters
To make accommodations for an event or class, please contact the event branch location for more information on this service. To inquire about any of these assistive services, please ask any staff member to learn more.