E-books offer users the benefit of being able to carry several books with them while on the go, as well as the thrill of immediate access. Advantages of downloading e-books from the Library's collection are that:
- They are free with your library card!
- They can be downloaded at any time—even when the library is not open.
- Users will never receive late fees—the files automatically stop working at the end of their checkout period, and/or the user can simply delete them at or before the end of the checkout period.
- Several e-books can be loaded onto your computer, e-book reader, or mobile device at the same time—which makes carrying books with you while on the go less cumbersome.
Download free e-books to your favorite device! All with just your Akron-Summit County Public Library card, account must be in good standing, and our digital lending library from Libby.
This service lends e-books, audiobooks, music and video to thousands of libraries worldwide. Library patrons can find and enjoy titles on just about any modern device in seconds with no downloading necessary. e-books have never been easier.
Check out our extensive E-reader guide section and start your e-book experience anytime. You can also access our Libby digital lending library catalog and download your favorite titles to your tablet or mobile device.
E-book Links
The Akron-Summit County Public Library also provides various digital media options through these outlets:
Should you have additional questions about e-books, contact the TechZone@Main at 330-643-9145.