The Akron-Summit County Public Library welcomes the support of institutions, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and community groups to enhance or improve Library activities, services, events, and programs by establishing sponsorships or collaborative partnerships. These relationships serve to pool resources and advance the Library's vision, mission, core values, and strategic plan.
The Library will enter sponsorships and collaborative partnerships determined to be in the Library’s best interest. Sponsorships and collaborative partnerships will be subject to the approval of the Executive Director or their designee.
Agreements between the Library, its sponsors, and collaborative partners must benefit all parties. These relationships should further the Library's goals in one or more of the following ways:
- Increase Library visibility in the community;
- Support regular or special Library activities, services, events, and programs;
- Enhance or create ways to respond to identified community needs.
Sponsors & Sponsorships
A sponsor is an institution, business, nonprofit organization, community group, or individual who contributes funds, products, or services of a defined value to the Library in support of an activity, service, event, or program.
A sponsorship is a mutually beneficial exchange between the Library and a sponsor, whereby the sponsor contributes funds, products, or services of a defined value to the Library and receives recognition, acknowledgement, or other promotional considerations. Sponsors will be provided with a level of recognition commensurate with their contribution. A sponsorship of $1,000 or more requires a Letter of Agreement between the Library and the sponsor.
Sponsorships must:
- Advance the Library's mission, core values, goals, objectives, and priorities.
- Not compete with or contradict the Library’s mission to support, improve, and enrich individual, family, and community life.
- Safeguard equity of access to Library services; sponsorship agreements must not give an unfair advantage to or cause discrimination against sectors of the community.
- Respect the principle of intellectual freedom; sponsors may not direct the selection of collections nor require the endorsement of products or services.
- Not abridge or undermine the confidentiality of user records; the Library will not sell nor provide access to Library records in exchange for gifts or support.
- Leave open the opportunity for other actual or potential donors to have similar opportunities to provide support to the Library.
- Not violate the community’s trust in the Library as a safe place for children. The Library will treat sponsorships for programming in the following way:
- Sponsorships may not result in the direct marketing of products to children, except where relevant and previously approved educational materials are promoted in conjunction with programs;
- The Library will not accept sponsorships for activities involving or targeted at children from companies whose products are deemed inappropriate by the Library administration for use by children.
The Library reserves the right to decide on the implementation of each sponsorship. Purchasing decisions – including the type of equipment, materials, furnishings, and other components of a gift – will reside with the Library Administration. Decisions regarding all details as they relate to the design of programs and allocation of resources will also reside with the Library Administration.
Sponsorships do not imply Library endorsement of the sponsor, its products, or services. The sponsor is responsible for determining deductibility and gift valuation for tax purposes.
A sponsorship differs from a philanthropic gift or donation in that a philanthropic gift or donation is a contribution of cash and or products or services without expectation or requirement of a reciprocal benefit.
Collaborative Partners & Partnerships
Collaborative Partner
A collaborative partner is an institution, business, nonprofit organization, or community group that collaborates with the Library to provide and/or promote activities, services, events, and programs to the public in ways that are mutually beneficial and without the contribution of funds, products, or services of a defined value to the library. Collaborative partners will be provided with a level of recognition commensurate with their level of collaboration.
Collaborative Partnership
A collaborative partnership is a relationship between the Library and an institution, business, nonprofit organization, or community group that involves working together to provide and/or promote activities, services, events, and programs to the public in ways that are mutually beneficial and without the partner's contribution of money, products, or services of a defined value.
Recognition And Acknowledgment
The Library will ensure that each sponsor or collaborative partner receives an acknowledgment and, to the degree that the donor is willing, public recognition. The Library will work with sponsors and collaborative partners to design a program that meets its marketing and public relations goals.
In all cases, the type and scope of recognition required by the sponsor or collaborative partner will be weighed against the benefit to the Library. The sponsor or collaborative partner organization has marketing rights to promote its involvement with the Library for the duration of the agreement. Still, the Library logo and/or naming must be approved by the Library’s Development Director and Marketing & Communications Director and is subject to the provisions of this policy.
Friends Of The Library
The Friends of the Library are independent groups that work in cooperation with the Library to provide valuable support and assistance throughout the Library. Members of the Friends are volunteers who work to increase awareness of the Library by advocating and supporting the Library's activities, services, events, and programs. Because the Library's Friends groups were established solely to support the Library and enjoy a special relationship with it, they are not required to endorse a Letter of Agreement with the Library.
Requests Made Of The Library
Requests from institutions, businesses, nonprofit organizations, or community groups seeking a sponsor or partner relationship with the Library for a non-Library activity, service, event, or program are subject to the approval of the Executive Director.
Approved by the Board of Trustees on September 29, 2022.