Stephanie Jolliff
Culture & AV Division Manager
Akron-Summit County Public Library
SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO— The Main Event Many Voices series presented by Akron-Summit County Public Library will welcome Dr. Phillip Plait to the Main Library Auditorium (60 S. High St, Akron, OH 44326) on Monday, March 25 at 6:30 PM. Dr. Plait, also known as The Bad Astronomer, will discuss the upcoming solar eclipse and his latest book, “Under Alien Skies: A SIghtseeer’s Guide to the Universe.” Registration is not required, and seating is first come, first served for this free event.
Speaker, author, and astronomer, Dr. Philip Plait has been in love with science for as long as he can remember. Known as The Bad Astronomer online because of his penchant for calling out misinformation, Dr. Plait earned his doctorate in astronomy at the University of Virginia. He worked on the Hubble Space Telescope as a NASA contractor at the Goddard Space Flight Center. Dr. Plait has authored the books "Bad Astronomy," "Death from the Skies," and "Under Alien Skies," and writes the thrice-weekly "Bad Astronomy" newsletter that keeps subscribers apprised of the latest sky news. He was the head science writer for “Bill Nye Saves the World” on Netflix in 2017. He wrote and hosted “Crash Course Astronomy,” a 46- part educational web series that has over 70 million views.
Dr. Plait will explain the science, and even debunk a misconception or two, about eclipses. He will also discuss how to safely watch the total solar eclipse on April 8.
The Friends of Main Library will be selling Dr. Philip Plait’s recently released title “Under Alien Skies: A Sightseer’s Guide to the Universe” in the Atrium before and after the event. A book signing will follow the event.
The Akron-Summit County Public Library provides resources for learning and leisure, information services, meeting spaces, and programs for all ages that support, improve, and enrich individual, family, and community life. The Library's official service area includes the City of Akron and all of Summit County except for Barberton, Cuyahoga Falls, Hudson, Peninsula, Stow-Munroe Falls, and Twinsburg, which are served by independent libraries.